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Marvel Snap

6 reviews
76.5 k downloads

Collect all the cards of your favorite heroes and fight with them

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Marvel Snap is the official card game of the well-known MARVEL company. Users will delve into the franchise's vast multiverse in this video game, gathering renowned characters from the comics. This time they return in the form of cards to create the best decks.

Marvel Snap has a dynamic gameplay system; each game lasts about three minutes, which avoids lengthy games that can turn each battle into a tiresome or tedious experience. Therefore, the user can spend any break they may have playing quick games and completing daily missions without devoting a lot of time to Marvel Snap . Each game features different locations that fans of the Marvel Universe will surely recognize. From Asgard to Wakanda, each setting comes with passive skills that can determine the game's outcome.

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One of Marvel Snap 's highlights is the number of collectible cards. In itself, the MARVEL universe is quite extensive, with different worlds and character versions that are well known thanks to their long history. The user will have no problem identifying their favorite superheroes, as well as discover new ones within the franchise.

Marvel Snap offers the player a large collection of MARVEL superheroes and villains with a myriad of artistic styles that make all the difference. If you are a fan of the famous franchise's expanded universe, this is the game for you.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.1 or higher required

Frequent questions

Is Marvel Snap free?

Yes, Marvel Snap is free, and you can play it from your Android smartphone.

What is the size of the Marvel Snap APK?

The Marvel Snap APK has a size of 78 MB.

What is the Marvel Snap game about?

Marvel Snap is a collectible card game for Android (CCG) where you can take on online opponents using characters from the Marvel universe. Get all the villains and heroes of sagas to form balanced decks that will lead you to victory.

Is it possible to download the Marvel Snap APK for Android?

Yes, it is possible to download the Marvel Snap APK for Android from Uptodown and install it on your smartphone since May 26, 2022.

Information about Marvel Snap 31.8.0

Package Name com.nvsgames.snap
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Card Games
Language English
71 more
Author Second Dinner
Downloads 76,542
Date Aug 28, 2024
Content Rating +12
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

xapk 30.22.4 Android + 5.1 Aug 3, 2024
xapk 30.22.1 Android + 5.1 Jul 31, 2024
apk 29.11.1 Android + 5.1 Jun 26, 2024
apk 28.21.4 Android + 5.1 Jun 10, 2024
apk 28.21.0 Android + 5.1 Jun 4, 2024
apk 27.19.0 Android + 5.1 Jun 12, 2024

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6 reviews


heavyorangehawk36839 icon
in 2023

stupid game

sillygoldendonkey79539 icon
in 2023

When there are new updates, the game works without updates.


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